For every dollar that I have available to invest in start-up businesses, there are at least twenty people that would happily take that dollar and promise me big returns in the future. Since the vast majority of start-up businesses fail, I have the overwhelming task of determining which entrepreneurs that want my money will be …
Building an Entrepreneurial Ecosystem in Sioux Falls Part 4: Educational Opportunities for Entrepreneurs
A few weeks back, I wrote an important article focusing on the four things that the city of Sioux Falls will need if it is going to be a community that fosters new startup businesses that attract outside capital and create high-paying jobs. Since then, I have discussed capital availability, building community, and storytelling as …
What Can the Enterprise Institute Do for Entrepreneurs?
Where can an entrepreneur go for guidance when their product is selling like hotcakes but they can’t keep up with demand? Or when they can’t make necessary hires because of cashflow issues? Or when the only way to bring their product to market is to build a multi-million dollar processing facility, and they don’t yet …
Building an Entrepreneurial Ecosystem in Sioux Falls Part 3: Better Storytelling
A few weeks ago, I published an important post highlighting four things that the city of Sioux Falls will need if it’s going to become a city that fosters new startup businesses that create high-paying jobs and attract outside capital. Since then, I’ve dived a bit deeper into the topics of making capital available to …
What I Hope to Accomplish in 2017: Mid-Year Update
Integrating Faith and Work: What We’re Doing at MarketBeat
A couple of weeks ago, I had the opportunity to participate in the God as CEO breakfast lead by Paul TenHaken. More than 300 local business leaders attended the event. Paul challenged us to stop compartmentalizing our lives and to live out our Christian faith in the workplace. He shared examples of local companies that …
Building an Entrepreneurial Ecosystem in Sioux Falls Part 2: Making Capital Available to Entrepreneurs
A few weeks back, I highlighted four things that the city of Sioux Falls will need if it wants to become a true entrepreneurial city that regularly spawns job-creating and capital-attracting startups. In short, if we want a stronger social community of entrepreneurs, we need to do a better job of sharing our success stories, …
Building an Entrepreneurial Ecosystem in Sioux Falls Part 1: Creating Community
A couple of weeks ago, I highlighted four things that I believe Sioux Falls will need if it wants to follow the footsteps of Austin, Boulder and other startup communities and become a city that regularly spawns startups that create new jobs, attract investment capital and foster economic growth. We will need opportunities for collaboration …
Startup Q&A #26: Outsourcing, Delegation, Customer Retention, and Email Marketing Technology
Watch or Listen to This Episode: Watch on YouTube (Video) Watch on Facebook (Video) Download MP3 File (Audio) Subscribe to Startup Q&A Subscribe via YouTube (Video) Subscribe via iTunes (Audio) Subscribe via Stitcher (Audio) Subscribe via Google Play Music (Audio) Subscribe via RSS (Audio) Tip of the Week: Use to set up a facebook chat …
Four Things Sioux Falls Needs to Become an Entrepreneurial City
Over the last several months, the business community in Sioux Falls has taken a renewed interest in the role that entrepreneurship plays in bettering the city. The Zeal Center for Entrepreneurship has become more prominent in the community with their recent rebrand and remodel, as well as their launch of an accelerator program. The closure …