Looking for a creative way to grow your email list for your business or non-profit? This video shows a creative hack that lets you use Facebook and EventBrite to build your mailing list. (Watch this Video on YouTube)
How MarketBeat Does Email Re-Engagement and Sunsetting
When it comes to email marketing, having a bigger list is not always better. It’s not the marketer with the biggest email list that wins, it’s the marketer that has the most engaged audience that wins. Email service providers are looking at engagement statistics (open rates, clickthrough rates, subscriber replies, spam reports) more than ever …
The “Blue Text Resend” Tactic That Generated 6,000 Additional Clicks on MarketBeat’s Latest Email Campaign
The History and Future of Startup Sioux Falls (We’re Merging with Zeal!)
About a year and a half ago, I began to sense there were some unmet needs in our small business and startup community. While there are approximately 4,300 businesses with fewer than 20 employees operating in the Sioux Falls MSA, we had difficulty getting more than fifty entrepreneurs to attend our 1 Million Cups event …
How I Dramatically Reduced the Number of Meetings I Take Each Week
South Dakota, Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics (Video)
I had the privilege of being on a panel with Ryan Swanstrom from Swanstrom Analytics and Jodi Schwan from SiouxFalls.Business at the South Dakota Technology Showcase event, which is put on by SDN Communications. During the panel, we discussed artificial intelligence initiatives from South Dakota companies, the role that higher education plays in training technology …
My Quarterly Update: Q3 2019
I am going to try to get back in the habit of publishing quarterly updates about the various projects that I’m involved with. It can honestly be difficult for me to keep track of everything that I’m working on at any given time and these posts provide me the opportunity to think through each project …
Why I Stopped Trying to Monetize My Expertise and Started Giving Everything Away for Free.
How I Plan to Fund Startup Sioux Falls Through Community Patronage
(Watch this Video on YouTube) One of the most difficult components of running a non-profit organization is finding funding. You’ve got a great mission that you believe in. You’re incredibly passionate about the work your non-profit is doing and you genuinely think you can make a dent in the issue that your non-profit is …
Why You Should Resist The Urge to Sell Your Business
In some entrepreneurial circles, having sold out of a business is a badge of honor. You created something from nothing. You built a profitable business and your business was so attractive that someone wrote you a big check and bought you out. You’ve got a pile of money in the bank and now you’re free …